Punch Drunk Love
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I thought that this may be one of the best movies that I have seen this year. I think that this is much better than some of Sandler's more recent flicks. I thought that the change in pace from his normal style was just hilarious. And even though it is a change from his normal movies, the role is perfect for him. A strange violent person couldn't fit anyone better than Adam Sandler. I never really understood the whole thing with the piano, except that it could have been the coming together of the two people in the movie.
City Of Angels
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I thought that this was a very good love movie. There is a lot of unspoken emotion in this movie. About the most that I have seen in a romance movie since Ghost. The best thing about this movie is that even though the idea is far fetched it still captivates you as a realistic romance just as Ghost does. Nicolas Cage is wonderful and you just wish that the two could have spent more time together. The only thing I would have liked to have seen more was a build up to him jumping off of the building.
Sixteen Candles
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I thought that this was one of the best movies to capture the eighties lifestyle. It treats teens like adults in this movie about love lust and partying. For a movie with a girl as the lead character it is actually pretty funny. The funniest scene is probably when the grandmother grabs the girls breasts. If that happened it would be so strange. I thought that Anthony Michael Hall played a great character. He was sort of the Kenny type character in Can't Hardly Wait. A little young guy always trying to get the with the ladies. This is an essential character for an eighties comedy. My only complaint is that you really think that it is strange that the two get together because they don't even know each other.