About a Boy
Your Review![get this gear!](http://htmlgear.lycos.com/img/log/fb_i_getgear.GIF) This movie was pretty funny. It is a little hard to categorize because usually High Grant movies are romance movies. There are parts of this movie that somewhat make it seem like a romance movie but it is a little more of a family movie and a comedy than it is a romance movie. I thought the highlight of the movie were the times when Hugh Grant was making fun of the boy's mom. These were the parts that really made me laugh. This was a typical Hugh Grant movie though, in a role where he is scared of relationships just like in 9 months.
Jackass: The Movie
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Okay, this movie you just have to judge for what it is. You can not judge it as a film or for scenery or any of that other stuff. You need to watch it and compare the stunts in the movie to the stunts on the TV show. In this movie I would have liked to have seen a few more interactions with regular people like in the opening scene at the car rental place. But this movie is funny and the stunts will make you laugh, enough said.
What Planet are You From?
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This movie has a pretty good cast with a not so good movie. I thought that the idea was fine but I wasn't sold on Gary Shandling's performance. I thought that if he was from a family without any emotion than he didn't do a very good job because it seemed as if he had much more emotion than the rest of the people from his planet. I thought that Annette Bening was good as was John Goodman. The movie could have been a lot funnier.
Big Man On Campus
Your Review![get this gear!](http://htmlgear.lycos.com/img/log/fb_i_getgear.GIF) This movie was so stupid that you actually can laugh at it. I guess this caveman guy falls in love with a girl and the story sort of makes it seem like you want him to be together with the girl but at the same time the guy that is with her is so sweet and he is friends with the caveman. It all boils down to the fact that the caveman is funny and this is the sort of movie that will probably be played over and over on comedy central and you will never know what it is called.