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This movie is one of the best sports movies of all time. It is very realistic with the lifestyle of many minor league baseball players but it is also very funny and includes a little bit of romance. The kind of movie that almost anyone can enjoy. I thought that some of the pitcher's antics were a little unbelievable but it just sort of adds some of the humor to the film. Kevin Costner plays the key role as he tries to teach a young kid about professional baseball.
One Night At McCool's
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A comedy starring Liv Tyler and Matt Dillon. This comedy had a couple of interesting twists in a very lighthearted story. This story is not a hysterical laugher but has some parts, especially the ending that are hysterical. This is a very creative story laced with comedy and an infatuation for a girl. It definitely keeps your attention and Liv Tyler plays an excellent role.
The Adventures of Joe Dirt
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I thought that this movie had a couple of funny parts but many of these funny parts most people would probably think were stupid. I think that most of David Spade's comedy is for a very unique audience. I think that he is either a very funny guy or a complete loser and I can't figure out which one yet. I think that this movie had some funny parts but is also the kind of movie that most people can enjoy. It is the kind of movie that you can watch many times because it is easy to watch.
Say it isn't So
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This comedy is made by the same people who brought you Something About Mary. It had some very funny parts but the actors made a hysterical movie into a very okay movie. Heather Graham is absolutely terrible and Chris Klein is not funny enough to play a lead role. The funniest two people in the movie are the father and the man with no legs. I can't get over how fake it looks when Heather Graham is crying.
State and Main
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I thought that this movie was very comparable to Get Shorty. Both of the movies do not really seem like anything really happens in them. It is almost like they just made a documentary about what happens when you are trying to make a movie. This movie just happens to take place in a small town instead of a large city. The guy from Fargo is in it and you can see the resemblance to a nonsense film such as Fargo. The movie tries to mix in a little humor but not much and the love story is sort of shadowed the whole time. I can't figure out how to categorize this movie.
Pure Luck
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This is a comedy movie that stars Martin Short and Danny Glover. Danny Glover is in his normal sidekick role like in all the lethal weapon movies. Martin Short is his boss and he has the worst luck of anyone you will ever no. But it never really hurts him to bad and sometimes it hurts the others around him so Danny Glover does not always want to be around him. This movie has a couple of funny parts because of the things that happen to Martin Short but in general in is nothing special.
Saving Silverman
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I thought this movie had some really funny parts but the plot just seemed to run dry in the first half hour. The twists to the movie all become evident in the beginning of the movie. Those comedic ideas continue throughout the rest of the film. This movie needed a couple of original turns in the middle to make it a really funny movie. A couple of surprise scenes like the raccoon attacking the man in the beginning would be good. Not a bad rental.
The First Wives Club
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The First Wives club had a couple of funny scenes and when it first began I thought it was going to be like the movie Hanging Up. Thank God it was better than that movie. This movie had some pretty light comedy and would probably be a little more interesting for girls to watch with other girls. I thought that it was good how the girls got back at the men and didn't just do the same thing back to people that they actually once cared about.
National Lampoon's Chrismas Vacation
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The funniest of the vacation movies starring Chevy Chase. In this movie the whole family comes over for Christmas. The family is just as annoying as all families can be. There are more funny parts in this one than any of them. This has become one of the classic Christmas movies that everyone watches at Christmas. Probably Chevy Chase's best performance.
Austin Powers in Goldmember
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I thought that their were many funny parts in this movie. I thought that it was not quite as original as part II was. A lot of the same jokes were repeated and most of them weren't as funny the second time around. I really didn't like Foxy Cleopatra or Goldmember. They were both terrible characters and both of them were not as lovable as the characters that had come before them. Some of the ideas were original and very funny. If they make another one of these movies though, they could be pushing it.
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