Raging Bull
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This movie was very slow for awhile but I thought that the boxing and the quest for the title was very interesting. The thing that I didn't like was that everyone always yells at their wives, it seems like a bad life. I don't understand why he let Robinson beat him in the one fight. I guess it was to prove a point. There was no reason to show the part of the movie when he is older. The ending was one of the worst ever and the quote and the end doesn't go with the movie. Just when it got interesting it got stupid. Overall Rating: 7.9
Taxi Driver
Video Clip Your Review Taxi Driver was very slow moving for the first hour. Nothing really happens except for his romantic trip to the movies with his date. It isn't until the guns get involved that you even wonder what is going to happen. When you find out what happens you are disappointed. How could this be one of the top movies ever? In the seventies the killing scene may have been revolutionary but nowadays that is seen everyday. It had some parts that I didn't understand. Overall Rating: 9.0
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
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This movie was very interesting and amusing to watch but I didn't like how it ended. The movie shows how being fun and out of control can be considered insane. This free loose cannon becomes attached to the other patients and decides to stay with them. His carefree behavior leads to him becoming one of the dependant patients. The chief can not see him like that so he kills him. His desire to break the rules keeps him in the hospital while the chief plays it calm and escapes. Overall Rating: 8.7
A Maltese Falcon
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I thought this was a great classic. The falcon as mysterious and was left open to expectation about what it was. This falcon causes murder and betrayal. Humphrey Bogart is sensational and he is between the cops and the villains. The search for this falcon makes you wonder if the falcon is worth it. You never really can get a good feel on any of the characters. Overall Rating: 8.3
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This is an Alfred Hitchcock movie that is very bizarre. Jimmy Stewart has gotten involved in a plot of another man to kill his wife. He uses Stewarts fear of heights to pull off this crime. At the end of the movie Stewart defeats his fear of heights and makes this woman feel guilty for what she has done. Then when the nun comes up the steps the girl couldnt live with herself for what she had done and killed herself. This movie does a great job of not revealing itself until the end. Overall Rating: 9.2
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A great story about a singer who falls in love with her gay best friend. He in turn falls for her. This movie goes through the trials of their relationship as well as another relationship during the time of the Nazi's. The story takes place in Germany and one of the couples is Jewish and it effects their relationship. This is a story about a girl who cannot give up her freedom. This story and the story conflict about the Nazi's and the Jews are the theme for this movie. Overall Rating: 7.7
North By Northwest
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An Alfred Hitchcock classic that is a good mystery movie. This is one of the better Hitchcock classics. I thought it was good that the girl is the special agent and I like how they keep it hidden from you like they keep it hidden from Cary Grant. I thought that the ending was good. This movie kept you watching and was very unpredictable. Overall Rating: 8.6
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An amazing movie by Alfred Hitchcock about a girl who goes to a hotel and finds a schizonphrenic man who owns the hotel. This story is way before it's time. Probably one of the greatest plots ever written. The effects are outdated but Hitchcock shows his genius. The great kind of scary movie with not much killing and a great deal of suspense. This movie has one of the most historic killing scenes ever. Overall Rating: 9.4
The Godfather
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One of the classic mob films and overall films ever. It is long and boring for the first 45 minutes. It then becomes a killing spree where you are scared someone will killed in every scene. In this movie you can never be sure who will get killed and when. The best thing about this movie is that it doesn't build up to an ending. You know that there will be more of this story to come. By far the best of the Godfather movies. Overall Rating: 9.5
The Flame of the Barbury Coast
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This John Wayne movie is a little different than most John Wayne movies in that it takes place in a city. John Wayne still plays the same sort of role but he has traveled to San Francisco to win over a girl and set up a business. You find out that the girl is really the flame of the barbury coast and everyone loves her. When the real flame strikes she is injured and the two men that care for her most are there for her. This movie had a couple of good gambling scenes and a decent love story but the bad guy just did not seem so bad. Overall Rating: 5.3