48 Hours
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This movie shows a little bit of a different side of Eddie Murphy that we don't get to see very much. In this movie Eddie Murphy can still shows flashes of comedy in a rather serious film. He does a good job of playing the role that he does even if you can not picture Eddie Murphy as a convict. I thought these two made a good team and show two completely different styles of police work. This is not much like Beverly Hills Cop but sets up the role for Eddie Murphy in those films. Overall Rating: 7.3
The Untouchables
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The true story of Elliot Ness and his trials with Al Capone in Chicago in the 1920's and 30's. This movie had a couple of really good things and a couple really bad things. The good things were the acting and of Robert Deniro and Kevin Costner and ow Capone seemed to make evidence disappear. The bad things were that they just seemed like they made too many mistakes. You'd think that people that had broke the law for so long would be a little more secretive. This movie though you know how it turns out is still fun to watch. Overall Rating: 8.6
Reindeer Games
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I thought that this movie was good and had some good twists to it. I had heard that this movie was a flop but I disagree. I thought that it was entertaining and Ben Affleck was in a very interesting situation. I thought that the movie has some good action scenes and a good ending. I thought the bad guy should have probably done away with Ben after they got their information from him. But it would have ruined one of the twists. Overall Rating: 7.1
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I thought that the first half of this movie interested me very much. But somewhere around the time when I figured out the Travolta was not just a normal thief, the idea seemed a little strange. I just thought that their was no way that Travolta could have had what happened planned perfectly, especially the part about the helicopter hitting the building. I thought that for a hacker Hugh Jackman was just a little bit too moral, it didn't really fit. Overall Rating: 7.2
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I thought this was a great movie that showed one man's view of Vietnam. The writer does a good job of making this man a moral man who is finally forced to kill because of the situation. This movie shows the struggle between two sides of Americans and two different American beliefs. The acting is superb and there are a couple of really good fighting scenes. The movie paints the picture of how these men were trapped in Vietnam and that we should respect what they have done. Overall Rating: 9.1
15 Minutes
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Robert Deniro stars in this movie about two Eastern Europeans who come to the United States to get famous by making movies. This movie marked how the American idea of temporary insanity is insane. Americans do not have to take responsibility for their actions. This movie had a few good twists and you could never pinpoint what was going to happen. Their is a scene where a man is taping himself and the statue of liberty is in the background. This shows that our liberty system leads to death. Overall Rating: 6.5
Mission: Impossible
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I definitely thought that this was much better than the sequel. I thought that the action scene at the end of the movie was have gone to a little extreme with the helicopter chasing the train into the tunnel but leading up to that this movie was actually a good mystery and had some good twists to it. I thought that the movie at times was a little hard to understand because of some of the language used but all in all you are able to follow pretty well. I don't understand how Cruise gets involved again with the group after quitting in part 1. Overall Rating: 7.7
The Score
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I thought this movie was great. It had great actors and a great plot and a great ending. It keeps you on the edge of your seat because you see so many kinks in the operation that you feel that their is no way that they are going to pull it off. They also lead you to believe that Deniro is going to get caught so you are never really sure what to expect. The one thing that you can't expect is what actually happens. The movie is one of the better Deniro films and Edward Norton continues his streak of good movies. Overall Rating: 8.7
Terminal Velocity
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I thought that this movie was okay but it starred Charlie Sheen who I still believe is one of the worst actors that I have ever seen. He has absolutely no expression to himself. It is like watching a zombie. I thought that the plot was okay but it ruins everything when their is no emotion to a movie. It is amazing how much difference a good actor can be. The thing that amazes me the most is that Charlie Sheen does mainly comedy movies. Overall Rating: 5.1
The Saint
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I thought that this movie was pretty cool. It was sort of an action movie with a man who dresses up like Fletch. I don't understand why the girl is such a genius and notices that all the names that he uses are saints. I thought that would be something that the police could notice. But I do think that the action is believable and the story keeps you entertained. The ending is perfectly fitting to the story and leaves you with a smile on your face. Overall Rating: 7.2