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Your Review
I thought this movie was sort of a mix between an Abbott and Costello and a Three Stooges movie. I thought that it reminded me of the Abbott and Costello movie Jack and the Beanstalk and I thought that it reminded me of the any Three Stooges episode. I think that this movie didn't really have much of a point but had a couple of parts that were pretty funny. It is almost just a nonsense movie about a girl who really loves her uncle and her uncle is sort of a loose cannon. Overall Rating: 5.9
The Unsinkable Molly Brown
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I liked this movie. I thought that it was good because it has some songs in it like a musical but the music does not take over the entire movie. The songs come at appropriate times and are short. I also thought that this was a good inspirational movie and a good love movie. I thought the ending was very sweet and it even choked me up a little. In the beginning of the movie Molly Brown thinks she knows everything she wants and she learns that what she really wants she finds very easily. Overall Rating: 7.1
2001: A Space Oddysey
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This was an amazing movie that seems to make almost no sense at all. It still keeps you watching to wonder what the hell it is that you are seeing. I was sure that the movie did have a great message only I did not pick up on it. After the man gets rid of the computer I am completely lost. I think that it is good how it shows him aging and how he is watching it all or at least I assume that. It is definitely a defining movie for Stanley Kubrick and one that I may continue to watch until I figure it out. Overall Rating: 9.1
Star Wars
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There isn't much to say about this movie. George Lucas started the beginning of a craze that has had people buzzing for the past 25 years and counting. I think that this movie is good because it is a tale that is absurd but not too absurd that you don't believe it. At the same time all of the characters have human qualities which make it sort of like a cartoon. To this day 25 years later the costumes still do not look fake. This is a movie about so many things beginning with the force and ending with love adventure and family. Good on all levels. It would win movie of the year in 2002. Overall Rating: 8.2
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
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This was a very entertaining western sort of movie. A lot more entertaining than most westerns. I think that the two actors were very good and mixed in a good bit of comedy into this western flick. I especially liked how they were still joking up until their death at the end of the movie. This story is about a couple of stubborn bank robbers who even when they are on the run they never really get totally shook up. They believe they can get out of anything. Overall Rating: 8.1
American Graffiti
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This is one of the original teen movies. Many people now love movies like Can't Hardly Wait and Dazed and Confused well this movie is what they copy those after. I thought that the cast was great and it was cool to see many of these people in their younger years. It is the story of a group of teens over one night. Nothing really special just enjoyable and you can reminisce about what it was like living then or when you were that age. Overall Rating: 8.8
Bend of the River
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I really liked this movie. I thought that it was good because it is sort of a different role for Jimmy Stewart and he plays it well. I like how the two men have secrets about their past but they do not let you know what it is until near the end of the movie. The men constantly go through tests of whether or not they have actually changed their ways. The moral of the story is that a man can always change the way he lives. Good realistic action scenes and a movie with historical content about the gold rush and the raising of prices. Overall Rating: 6.9
Dr. Strangelove
Video Clip Your Review I thought that this movie was unlike most of Stanley Kubrick's movies in the way that I think of them. It almost reminded me of a Mel Brooks type comedy. To me it sort of resembled a movie like Blazing Saddles. I thought that the humor was pretty good but for a mature audience. If children or teens watched this movie that may not pick up any of the humor at all. It is basically a spoof on Nuclear War and the Cold war. Why it is called Dr. Strangelove I have no idea. Overall Rating: 8.9
Rock Around the Clock
Your Review I thought that the plot to this movie was not very thick at all but in general this movie was entertaining. I guess what interested me the most about this movie is that they got some big name music acts to actually be in the movie. It wasn't just some look alikes or anything like that. Nowadays you couldn't get huge bands like Pearl Jam or U2 to do a movie like in this one. But as a movie and a story this is pretty weak. Overall Rating: 4.9
Thirteen Ghosts
Your Review I thought that this movie wasn't that bad for an older horror movie. I thought that the idea was good and I liked how the man's greed ended up turning against him at the end of the movie. This was sort of an Alfred Hitchcock type idea. I thought the casting was great using the Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz as the strange old housekeeper in this movie. I thought though at some times the ghosts were a little too humorous, almost like Caspar. Overall Rating: 7.2
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